
Sunday, September 22, 2013

my brothers



my brothers
seamus, liam, kieran, and declan
have been in a band together for a while
and recently pulled it together to make original songs 
that are really good, really catchy, great melodies, hottest drummer

played their first show a few weeks back with a surprising turnout
again, thank you to everyone who came out that night
and on saturday, played another quick show at a house party
where they were told by quite a few of the people
"definitely best of the night, straight up"

here's a YouTube link for more

also, let the record show:
 i named the band.

no posts for a week because i'm going to NYC!
for fun, to see friends, to spend money, 
and to instagram shots of the skyline like
"Wow, NYC, you never get old"