
Monday, June 25, 2012

mustached weekend.

sick like audrey hepburn
swoon, sigh, swoon

thank you for the tickets, seamus
even though you crushed my trachea with your thumbs
i still love you

hotty, coot-erati

B-day par-D
for chloe and jamie
neither of whom are in this pic...
happy birthday anyways!

beard/styled mustache competitors
@ casey's downtown!!
aka best bday surpreso

now get ready for this analogy:
i read somewhere that the reason some ladies
- such as myself -
tolerate and even, dare i say it, like mustaches/any facial hair
is because we know that it's only temporary
so we love it because we know it's going to end at some point.
that's how this weekend was,
like a mustache or a beard that took one and a half years to grow,
just soakin it up having a great time because it's gonna end
and everyone has to go back to work on monday

except me, because i'm still waiting on my exam results -
but i know that you know that we know what i'm saying


  1. okay, oscar wilde

  2. why do ladies really like mustaches?

    come on, you're beating around the facebush.

